The 3D graphics come and go, there is no big fanfare, but the effect is still in place. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology cracked a new holographic 3D projector, between the real hologram and the current 3D image. The idea is that we can see from the different perspectives we can create an object on the screen. Therefore, if the user moves from one side to the other, they can look around the edge of the object, effectively. It essentially works by projecting light onto the screen and can bend it in different directions, just like the current unreal version of parallax 3D. We can imagine that this will be used for objects such as online stores or designers who can see the 3D space more clearly.

The projector's modulator refreshes the image 240 times per second and uses a data compression algorithm, which may mean the future of Ultra HD 3D. It should also mean that production is "pure black," and its current LED TVs are not really capable of doing so. Development is still in its infancy, but it's good to see the potential holographic future, or at least a better 3D version, which does not mean a headache.