The numerical control system of the CNC flame cutting machine controls the trolley on the main beam to move in the longitudinal direction, controls the cart with the torch to move in the transverse direction, and the horizontal and vertical movements thereof are combined into the trajectory of the cutting torch, that is, the shape of the workpiece to be cut. . At the same time, the PLC in the flame cutting CNC system realizes the valve operation and timing control of the cutting gas path. In the CNC flame cutting machine system, in order to maintain the distance between the cutting head and the steel plate must be equipped with automatic height adjustment device. Control system software and hardware components. Because the control accuracy, working speed, and load requirements of the CNC flame cutting machine are not very high, a stepper motor can be used to implement motion control in an open loop manner. The industrial control machine and the motion control card cooperate to complete the control function of the control system. The motor drive of the control system can realize the chopping and wave constant current subdivision drive, improve the precision of the motor movement, and better solve the problem of heating when driving with large torque.
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